qBittorrent 5.0 Released: FFmpeg 7.1 Released: Phosh 0.42.0 released: Apple has published the open source components used in macOS 15: Oracle Releases Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel R7U3: Nitrux 3.7.0 release:

Release ofLinks 2.30: Release of SysVinit 3.10: Firmware release for Ubuntu Touch OTA-5 Focal: Super Grub2 Disk 2.06s4, published: Funtoo Linux going to the big server in the sky:

Slackware Linux is 30 years old: Voice Update for Mozilla Common Voice 14.0: GNU Boot, Libreboot boot firmware: LazyVim 5: Composefs on top of OverlayFS and EROFS: MySQL 8.1.0:

Ubuntu mini installation: Release EasyOS 5.0: KDE Plasma switches to Qt 6: Release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14: Release of Armbian 23.02: Release of FFmpeg 6.0: GIMP 2.10.34: Debian 12 launched a separate repository with firmware:

Canonical introduces Steam Snap for easier access to games on Ubuntu: Unity 7.6.0 Custom Shell Release: fwupd 1.8.0, firmware download toolkit available: Release of Trinity R14.0.12 DE: KaOS 2022.04 distribution released:

Mesa’s Rust implementation of OpenCL now supports OpenCL 3.0: Intel Opens PSE Block Firmware Code for Elkhart Lake Chips: DBMS libmdbx 0.11.7 Move Development to GitFlic After Lockdown on GitHub:

Release of Siduction 2021.3 Release of Rescuezilla 2.3 backup distribution KiCad 6.0 CAD released Nitrux 1.8.0 Distribution Release with NX Deskto Lumina Desktop 1.6.2 Released Enlightenment 0.25 Released Release of BusyBox 1.

Solus 4.3 released Microsoft has published CBL-Mariner distribution RHEL-compatible EuroLinux 8.3 released Amazon publishes OpenSearch 1.0, a fork of the Elasticsearch platform PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.5 Release MongoDB 5.0 available

EndeavourOS 2021.04.17 OpenSSH 8.6 Release with Vulnerability fix Nginx 1.20.0 released Node.js 16.0 JavaScript Server Platform Released Tetris-OS - you guessed it University of Minnesota Suspended from Linux Kernel Development after Submitting Questionable Patches

Gnome 3.38 Release Gnome 40 Is Next Nvidia Buys ARM The Pinephone Braveheart and Above Can Multi-Boot Mozilla Sunsets Firefox Send and Firefox Notes Deepin 20 Released; with new dual 5.

Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Makes It Easier to Patch the Linux Kernel without Rebooting GNOME Wants to Make Linux Firmware Updates Easier to Deploy with New Tool Microsoft wants to bring exFAT to the Linux kernel

Want To Run Linux On Android Without Rooting? Using UserLAnd PinePhone: Pine64 Is Making An Affordable Linux Smartphone Running KDE Plasma KDE Plasma 5.14.2 Desktop Environment Improves Firmware Updates, Snap Support