Full Circle Weekly News 261
17 May 2022 · 1 minutes
Canonical introduces Steam Snap for easier access to games on Ubuntu:
Oracle Publishes Solaris 10 to Solaris 11.4 Application Migration Tool
Release of SeaMonkey 2.53.12, Tor Browser 11.0.11 and Thunderbird 91.9.0: (https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-11011/) (https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/91.9.0/releasenotes/)
Enthusiasts have prepared a Steam OS 3 build for regular PCs:
Microsoft Open Sources the basically obsolete 3D Movie Maker:(https://3dmm.com/)
Apple has published the code for the kernel and system components of macOS 12.3:
The deb-get utility, offering apt-get-like functionality for third-party packages:
China intends to transfer state institutions and state-owned enterprises to Linux:
- Host: @bardictriad, @zaivala
- Bumper: Canonical
- Theme Music: From The Dust - Stardust
- https://soundcloud.com/ftdmusic
- CC BY 4.0