First release of Wolvic browser edition with Chromium engine: MPV Video Player Release 0.39: A console Live build of CentOS Stream MIN: OpenWrt 23.05.5: OpenBSD Bans Null Characters in Shell Scripts:

Wolvic 1.5 light: KaOS 2023.09: LibrePCB reaches 1.0: GNU Project is 40 years old: Release of Porteus 5.01: Linux Mint Debian Edition 6: Release of CrossOver 23.5: Red Hat moves from Bugzilla Error Tracking System to JIRA:

Dino 0.4 released: Release of Wolvic 1.3: Release of KDE Plasma 5.27: A prototype of the new Thunderbird interface has been published: Release of CrossOver 22.1: Real-time kernel in Ubuntu:

SUSE releases Rancher Desktop 1.0 rqlite 7.0, a distributed fault-tolerant DBMS Release of Nitrux 2.0 Minetest 5.5.0, an open source clone of MineCraft Falkon 3.2.0 browser developed by the KDE project