Linux kernel 6.13 released: Mesa adopts amdgpu_virtio: Linux libre kernel 6.13: Release of Toybox 0.8.12: 9front release 10931: Wine 10.0 Stable Release: Release of VeraCrypt 1.26.18: SDL 3 Released:

Development of Servo transferred to the Linux Foundation Europe: The Mojo programming language Over 1.5 million copies of LibreOffice 7.6 downloaded in two weeks: Release of fheroes2 - 1.0.8:

Release of helloSystem 0.8 BSD: The nolibc C-library is supporting signals: Tangram 2.0, web browser based on WebKitGTK: GStreamer 1.22.0: The openSUSE simplified the H.264 codec installation process: Release of Pale Moon 32:

Arti 0.0.3, a Rust implementation of the Tor client SystemRescue 9.0.0 released Release of GhostBSD 01/22/12 Release of Mumble 1.4 Essence - an original operating system with its own kernel and graphical shell

Solus 4.3 released Microsoft has published CBL-Mariner distribution RHEL-compatible EuroLinux 8.3 released Amazon publishes OpenSearch 1.0, a fork of the Elasticsearch platform PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.5 Release MongoDB 5.0 available

Full Circle Weekly News is now on Spotify: Ubuntu Making Home Folders Private in 21.04 Ubuntu 21.04 Makes Phased Updates a Reality Tails Has a Focus in 2021 Project Lenix from CloudLinux Gets a Name

KDE Will Support Fingerprints XFCE Shaping Up For a Strong Version 4.16 Microsoft Defender Previewing New Features for Linux Only Tuxedo Computers Reverse Engineers Drivers Tails 4.13 Out Kali 2020.

Debian Leader Says “One Year Will Do” Debian 8 Adds Longer Support Debian 11 Package Freeze Scheduled Gnome 3.36 “Gresik” The Linux Foundation Open Sources Project OWL FreeNAS and TrueNAS are Merging

The Structure and Administration of the GNU Project Announced CTO calls for patience after devs complain promised donations platform has stalled Arch Linux Has a New Leader Microsoft Previews Defender ATP for Linux

Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative Releases Census II Analysis Refreshed GTK Website Goes Live MX Linux 19.1 Now Available MangoHud 0.2.0 Is Out Wine 5.2 Is Out Mesa 20 Is Out

EOL of CoreOS Linux Kernel 5.4 Marked as LTS Ubuntu 20.04 Will Ship with the 5.4 LTS Kernel Godot Engine Receives Epic MegaGrant Wine 5.1 Development Released TLP 1.3 Released

Kubuntu Focus Laptop to Ship in Early February ProtonVPN Open Sources All of Its Apps Wine 5.0 Released Kernel 5.5 Released FSF Wants to Upcycle Windows 7 Gnu Make 4.