It’s only taken fifteen years, but we’ve got a new site! BIG HUUUGE thanks to J_Arun_Mani for making the site and fixing it every time I’ve broke it (ie: lots!).

Linux’s RPM/deb split could be replaced by Flatpak vs. snap China builds world’s fastest supercomputer without U.S. chips - and it runs Linux Google and Udacity launch a new Android programming course for beginners

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Install Newer Software Versions, LibreOffice, and Website With Infrastructure Graphics : Inkscape. Chrome Cult Linux Labs: Drupal 7 Ubuntu Phones Ubuntu Games: Retro Games Emulators, and The Talos Principle Plus: News, Arduino, Q&A, Security, and soooo much more.

This month Our Great Ancestor: Warty Warthog Command & Conquer How-To : Python, LibreOffice, Website with Infrastructure, and Programming COBOL Graphics : Inkscape. Survey Results Chrome Cult Linux Labs: How I Learned To Love Ubuntu Site Review A Quick Look At: Linux in Industry, and the French Translation Team Ubuntu Phones [NEW!

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Make a Special Edition, LibreOffice, and Bulk Print with Nautilus Graphics : Inkscape. Linux Labs: Compiling a Kernel Pt 5 and Graphically Renaming Files Over SSH Review: Scilabs Book Review: Build Your Own Web Site Ubuntu Games: X-Plane Flight Plans Plus: News, Arduino, Q&A, and soooo much more.