GNU Guile 3.0.10: Release SKUDONET 7.1: Release of OpenShot 3.2.0: openSUSE Leap Micro 6.0: Ubuntu Sway Remix 24.04: TileOS 1.1 distribution update: Release of PipeWire 1.2.0: Release of video editor Shotcut 24.
GnuCOBOL compiler and the SuperBOL development environment: Microsoft open sourced Garnet storage: GNOME 46 Published: Release of Wayland-Protocols 1.34: The Redis DBMS is moving to a proprietary license: Red Hat introduced Nova:
Kubuntu switches to Calamares installer: Release of KaOS 2024.01: Fully open stack for MIPI cameras introduced: Chasquid SMTP server 1.13 available: ClamAV 1.3.0 fixed a dangerous vulnerability: VirtualBox to run on top of the KVM hypervisor:
Release of DietPi 9.0: MX Linux 23.2: AV Linux 23.1: RubyWM, a window manager written entirely in Ruby: Cryptsetup 2.7, with support for OPAL hardware disk encryption: Release of the Radix cross 1.
Release of Lutris 0.5.15: openSUSE Leap 16 will be built on the ALP platform using containers: COSMIC Custom Shell: VirtualBox 7.0.14 released: MySQL 8.3.0 DBMS: X.Org Server 21.1.11: Release of Tesseract 5.
Release of Godot 4.2: Release of Alpine Linux 3.19: Release of Endless OS 5.1: Release of Minetest 5.8.0: Author GnuPG founded LibrePGP: Debian 12.3 release delayed due to a problem causing damage to Ext4 FS:
Release of qBittorrent 4.6 with I2P support: alternative installer Agama 5: Ubuntu LTS release support time increased to 10 years: Release nginx 1.25.3, njs 0.8.2 and NGINX Unit 1.31.1:
Release of antiX 23: Linux 6.5 kernel: KnotDNS 3.3.0 with DNS support over QUIC: Release of the ToaruOS 2.2: Regolith 3.0: MidnightBSD 3.1: Vivaldi 6.2 release: JetBrains announces support for Wayland in IDE IntelliJ:
The most active dev leaves Alpine Linux: Unofficial GNU Boot renamed: Release of MX Linux 23: Release of GNU Emacs 29.1 with Wayland support: Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk and NVIDIA began joint promotion of the OpenUSD platform:
RT-Thread 5.0: Release of Tux Paint 0.9.29: Fedora FS encryption: Available Wayland 1.22: ppp 2.5.0: Release of OpenShot 3.1: Release of DNF 4.15: Release of Fonoster 0.4, open alternative to Twilio:
PLEASE NOTE: NEW RSS FEED URL: Release of Budgie 10.7: Release of Coreboot 4.19: Release of ONLYOFFICE Docs 7.3.0: Release of Elementary OS 7: Xfce developing support Wayland: Progress of COSMIC written in Rust:
Wifibox 0.10 - environment for using Linux WiFi drivers in FreeBSD: Git 2.37 source control release: Release BitTorrent client Deluge 2.1: Thunderbird 102 mail client released: 23rd Ubuntu Touch Firmware Update: