Void Linux update: MiniOS 4.1 released: Release of MyLibrary 3.1: First results of the project to improve FreeBSD performance on laptops: MaXX Interactive Desktop 2.2 Released: OpenWrt 24.10 is available:

Linux kernel 6.8 released: Release of tenv 1.2.0: Release of OpenSSH 9.7: The OpenAI project has opened Transformer Debugger: GTK 4.14 with new engines for OpenGL and Vulkan: OBS Studio 30.

Release of Geary 44.0: GIMP 2.99.16: SUSE has announced the creation of its own fork of RHEL: Void Linux installation builds are available: Release of Thunderbird 115: Release of Pale Moon 32.

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Bash to Python, Migrating from VAX/VMS and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu: Diagramming with Dia Review : Xubuntu 22.04 Review : Void Linux Ubuntu Games : Crystal Caves HD plus: News, My Opinion, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

Ubuntu 18.04.4 Released with Updated Kernel 5.3 Devs Push for Unicode 13 Support in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Perens Versus Open Source Security; Perens Wins in Court New Long Term Support KDE Plamsa 5.

Kali Defaults to a Non-Root User VVVVVV Now Open Source An All New Firefox 72 Linus Torvalds Weary of ZFS in the Kernel EndlessOS Will Be Available on the Raspberry Pi