A new model for generating Ubuntu Touch releases: FreeBSD will stop supporting 32-bit: Regolith Desktop Environment 3.1: Free versions of VMware vSphere Hypervisor has ceased: OpenVPN 2.6.9 update with license change:

VMware’s Photon OS 5.0: Cisco has released ClamAV 1.1.0: Release of the OpenMoonRay 1.1 by Dreamworks studio: X.Org project to stop supporting 20 outdated libraries and utilities: Release of OBS Studio 29.

Ubuntu Login Screen Security Flaw Could Allow Anyone To Access Your Files Linux Kernel 4.10 Reached End of Life, Users Urged to Move to Linux 4.11 Series Linux Distros Won’t Work On Windows 10 S

Nexus 6 Is Now an Unofficial Ubuntu Phone BleachBit 1.12 Brings Support for Ubuntu 16.04, and Fedora 24 Scientific Linux 6.8 to Be Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

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