Debian 12.4 update: Linux kernel 6.6.6 update: Release of FreeRDP 3.0: Canonical has transferred the LXD project to the AGPLv3 license: Not so free Ardour 8.2: The openSUSE logo debacle:

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Stable Diffusion and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Micro This Micro That Review : Ubuntu 23.10 and MiniOS plus: News, My Story, Q&A, The Daily Waddle, and more.

Release of Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.10: GhostBSD 23.10.1: Release of Incus 0.2: Release of VLC 3.0.20: Midori 11 web browser based on the Floorp project: Release of Pale Moon 32.

Release of qBittorrent 4.6 with I2P support: alternative installer Agama 5: Ubuntu LTS release support time increased to 10 years: Release nginx 1.25.3, njs 0.8.2 and NGINX Unit 1.31.1:

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Stable Diffusion and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Micro This Micro That Review : Ubuntu Budgie 23.04 and Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS Book Review : Python Playground Ubuntu Games : Moonstone Island plus: News, My Opinion, Q&A, The Daily Waddle, and more.

Free sound editor Ardour 8.0 Ubuntu will restrict access to user namespace Wayfire 0.8, using Wayland: Fedora project’s laptop: Release of Krita 5.2 Release of Raspberry Pi OS: Release of Ubuntu 23.

Wolvic 1.5 light: KaOS 2023.09: LibrePCB reaches 1.0: GNU Project is 40 years old: Release of Porteus 5.01: Linux Mint Debian Edition 6: Release of CrossOver 23.5: Red Hat moves from Bugzilla Error Tracking System to JIRA:

Release of Apache NetBeans 19: Samba 4.19.0: Release of Manjaro Linux 23.0: Tails 5.17: webOS Open Source Edition 2.23: Ubuntu will support full-disk encryption that uses TPM: Double Commander 1.

Midnight Commander 4.8.30 Vim future: Promoting the new Ubuntu Store app manager: Release of Devuan 5.0: Debian GNU/Linux is 30 years old: Release nginx 1.25.2: Release of fheroes2 - 1.

LXD and the Linux Containers community: Release of VCMI 1.3.0: Rhino Linux is available: Release of NetworkManager 1.44.0: Recording companies block Youtube-dl: Release of outWiker 3.2 notes: Rocky Linux, Oracle and SUSE have created a joint repository:

The most active dev leaves Alpine Linux: Unofficial GNU Boot renamed: Release of MX Linux 23: Release of GNU Emacs 29.1 with Wayland support: Pixar, Adobe, Apple, Autodesk and NVIDIA began joint promotion of the OpenUSD platform:

Debian support for RISC-V architecture: Release of MPV 0.36: Inkscape 1.3: Release of PascalABC.NET 3.9.0 development environment: MLS proposed standard: Network Security Toolkit 38: Ubuntu, optimized for Intel Core processors: