Sway 1.10 User Environment Released: Raspberry Pi OS switched to Wayland: The Flock project: Fedora Linux Release 41: X.Org Server 21.1.14 Update with Vulnerability Fix: Shotcut Video Editor 10/24:

Lunatik: Release of EdgeDB 5.0: Release of Audacity 3.5: NetBSD 9.4 released: Release of Nmap 7.95: Release of the Fedora Linux 40: Nginx 1.26.0 released with HTTP/3 support: Release of TrueNAS SCALE 24.

Release of SysVinit 3.09: Release of GNU Emacs 29.3: After TrueNAS CORE 13.3, the FreeBSD-based branch will be put into maintenance mode: Starting with Ubuntu 14.04, support for LTS releases will be increased to 12 years:

Release of qBittorrent 4.6 with I2P support: alternative installer Agama 5: Ubuntu LTS release support time increased to 10 years: Release nginx 1.25.3, njs 0.8.2 and NGINX Unit 1.31.1:

Release of GNU libmicro libraryhttpd 0.9.77: GoldenDict 1.5.0: Canonical prepares Ubuntu Desktop version containing only Snap packages: Release of Armbian 23.05: Release Angie 1.2.0: Release of TrueNAS CORE 13.0-U5:

Release of Minetest 5.7.0: Release of OpenBSD 7.3: FreeBSD 13.2 with Netlink and WireGuard support: 4MLinux 42.0 Release of Meson 1.1: New version of nginx 1.24.0: NVIDIA has published the code RTX Remix Runtime:

NetworkManager 1.38.0 released: iptables packet filter release 1.8.8: Release of TrueNAS 13.0: Serious Sam Classic game engine updated for Linux: Release of Rocky Linux 8.6: Release of Inkscape 1.2:

Release of OpenBot 0.5, a smartphone-based robot platform Solaris 11.4 SRU42 Released Release of OpenVi 7.0.12 Freeciv 3.0 game released nftables packet filter 1.0.2 released Slax 11.2 based on Debian 11

Debian Leader Says “One Year Will Do” Debian 8 Adds Longer Support Debian 11 Package Freeze Scheduled Gnome 3.36 “Gresik” The Linux Foundation Open Sources Project OWL FreeNAS and TrueNAS are Merging