Debian support for RISC-V architecture: Release of MPV 0.36: Inkscape 1.3: Release of PascalABC.NET 3.9.0 development environment: MLS proposed standard: Network Security Toolkit 38: Ubuntu, optimized for Intel Core processors:

Release of GnuCash 5.0: BlenderGPT plugin announced: Ubuntu Touch OTA-1 Focal, translated on Ubuntu 20.04: Debian 9 Stretch moved to archive: Release Ventoy 1.0.90: Release of Porteus Kiosk 5.5.0:

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Blender and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu Micro This Micro That Review : Kubuntu 22.10 Review : Ubuntu Cinnamon 22.04 Ubports Touch : OTA-24

Wifibox 0.10 - environment for using Linux WiFi drivers in FreeBSD: Git 2.37 source control release: Release BitTorrent client Deluge 2.1: Thunderbird 102 mail client released: 23rd Ubuntu Touch Firmware Update:

Release of Slint 0.2 New release of uChmViewer Dino 0.3 communication client released OBS Studio 27.2 Live Streaming Release Release of qxkb5 AV Linux MX-21 Zabbix 6.0 LTS Kali Linux 2022.

This month: Command & Conquer : Terminal How-To : Python, Blender and Quickemu Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu Micro This Micro That Review : Ubuntu Unity 21.10 My Opinion : The Origins Of The GUI Ubports Touch Ubuntu Games : Making Levels For Pingus plus: News, Letters, My Story, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

This month: Command & Conquer : Terminal How-To : Python, Blender and A Plea For Articles Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu Micro This Micro That Review : Xubuntu 21.10 My Opinion : The Origins Of The GUI [NEW!

Slackel 7.5 distribution released Pinta 2.0 graphics editor released Solus project drama Speed up building the Linux kernel by 50-80% KDE plans to achieve parity between Wayland and X11 sessions in 2022

AlmaLinux 8.5 is available Release of Lakka 3.6 LF Decentralized Storage Migrated to Open License SeaMonkey 2.53.10 Released Fedora Linux 37 intends to end support for 32-bit ARM architecture

Bespoke Synth 1.0 software sound synthesizer released Headscale develops an open server for Tailscale Samba 4.15.0 Released Sysvinit 3.0 released Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 support time extended to 10 years

This month Command & Conquer : LMMS How-To : Python, Latex and Creating Hybrid Portable Clone Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu : Retrogaming Micro This Micro That Ubports Devices : OTA-18 Review : Kubuntu 21.

Solus 4.3 released Microsoft has published CBL-Mariner distribution RHEL-compatible EuroLinux 8.3 released Amazon publishes OpenSearch 1.0, a fork of the Elasticsearch platform PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.5 Release MongoDB 5.0 available