KDE Plasma 5.13 Desktop Reaches End of Life, KDE Plasma 5.14 Arrives October 9 Unity8 on Arch Source Nitrux 1.0.15 brings Kernel 4.18.5 and Plasma 5.13.4 for Most Secure and Integrated Performance Yet

A bumper episode for you this week! You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened GNU Emacs 26.1 released Firefox And Chrome Bug Leaked Facebook Profile Details For Almost A Year

“Safespaces” Is The First Open Source VR Desktop Environment For Linux Mozilla Just Announced An Open Source Virtual Reality Browser: “Firefox Reality” MIT Researchers Create ‘AlterEgo’ Headset That Interprets User’s Thoughts

Linux Mint 19 “Tara” Will Ship in June, Pre-Installed on the Mintbox Mini 2 PCs Linus Torvalds says new Linux lands next week and he’s sticking to that … for now

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS “Bionic Beaver” Beta 1 Released For Opt-In Flavors New Ubuntu Installs Could Be Speed Up by 10% with the Zstd Compression Algorithm Debian 9.4 Stretch GNU/Linux Released With 150+ Fixes

Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark Beta 1 is here Linux pioneer SUSE marks 25 years in the field With Android Oreo, Google is introducing Linux kernel requirements Linux Kernel 4.13 Released By Linus Torvalds

Canonical Outs Live Patch Kernel Update for Ubuntu 16.04 to Patch Security Flaws “Ultra Minimal” Ubuntu Budgie Is Coming, Uses “220MB Or Less Of RAM” CoreOS renames core OS to Container Linux

Ubuntu Core 16 released Canonical announces live kernel patching for Ubuntu Linux Kernels Patched Against “Dirty COW” bug FakeFile Trojan Opens Backdoors on Linux Computers Linus Torvalds Announces Linux Kernel 4.

This drone development kit can also be an Ubuntu PC IBM to set up new Linux cloud for Africa BASHLITE malware turning millions of Linux Based IoT Devices into DDoS botnet

Linux powered Zumwalt Destroyer delivered to US navy Chromebooks are about to take over Vulkan Support May Soon Be Implemented in Ubuntu Linux’s Mir Display Server Torvalds unhappy with sloppy Unix Millennium Bug

Stali distribution smashes assumptions about Linux Lubuntu-Based LXLE 14.04.4 Officially Released UK Launches Robotics And Artificial Intelligence Inquiry Linus Torvalds Announces First Linux Kernel 4.6 RC Build, Introduces OrangeFS

Linux Kernel 4.5 to Land Next Week As Linus Torvalds Announces the Last RC Build JasPer Vulnerabilities Fixed in Ubuntu Microsoft Opens Its Corporate Data Software to Linux Ray Tomlinson Inventor of email dies aged 74