Canonical to sue cloud provider over Ubuntu images “Just 1 Link” To Hack North Korea’s “Terrible” Linux Distro Ubuntu Touch OTA-14 Officially Released Tor Phone Is The “Super-secure Version Of Android”, Developed By Tor Project

Debian 8.6 “Jessie” Officially Released with over 90 Security Fixes Tor Browser 6.0.5 Released Linux Kernel 4.4.21 LTS Is a Big Update with Over 200 Changes Artificial Intelligence can Decode and Unblur Pixelated Images

Linux Mint 18 Xfce Edition Is Now Available for Download The rise of the Linux botnet Elon Musk Says DARPA A.I. Hacking Challenge Will Lead to Skynet Debian Project Enhances the Anonymity and Security of Debian Linux Users via Tor

Canonical Releases Snapcraft 2.12.1 Snap Creator Tool for Ubuntu 16.04 Use Linux or Tor? The NSA might just be tracking you Ubuntu 16.10 Getting Nautilus 3.20 Soon, Radiance Theme Fully Ported to GTK 3.

You Can Now Have All the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Live DVDs in a Single ISO Image Canonical Releases Snapcraft 2.10 Snaps Creator with Support for ZIP Files, and More

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Block Calls, LibreOffice, and Using i2P Graphics : Inkscape Linux Labs: BTRFS Book Review: Practical Data Science Cookbook Ubuntu Games: War Thunder Plus: News, Arduino, Q&A, and soooo much more.