GnuCOBOL compiler and the SuperBOL development environment: Microsoft open sourced Garnet storage: GNOME 46 Published: Release of Wayland-Protocols 1.34: The Redis DBMS is moving to a proprietary license: Red Hat introduced Nova:

Debian offers fnt font manager Ubuntu 22.04 theme switched to orange Debian 11.2 Update Mongoose OS 2.20, an IoT device platform released Release of the GNU library libmicrohttpd 0.9.74

Getting Root on Ubuntu 20.04 Intel Vulnerabilities in All Supported Ubuntus Ubuntu Reverts Intel Microcode Flaws KDE Announces a Pinephone and Framework and an Update Debian Has a New Theme

Zorin Announces Zorin Grid Xfce 4.16 Getting a Major UI Change Mozilla Lays Off About 70 Employees Ubuntu Theme Development for 20.04 Fedora CoreOS Out of Preview PinePhone Braveheart Edition Ships

Default Ubuntu Yaru Theme Rebased on Adwaita 3.32 Announcing the EPEL 8.0 Official Release Mozilla Revamps Firefox’s HTTPS Address Bar Information XFCE 4.14 Desktop Officially Released Credits Ubuntu “Complete” sound: Canonical Theme Music: From The Dust - Stardust https://soundcloud.

Canonical Releases Snapcraft 2.12.1 Snap Creator Tool for Ubuntu 16.04 Use Linux or Tor? The NSA might just be tracking you Ubuntu 16.10 Getting Nautilus 3.20 Soon, Radiance Theme Fully Ported to GTK 3.

This month Command and Conquer - Creating And Moving Files. How-To: Create Your Own Ubuntu, Create Your Own Server Part 8, Using GIMP Part 5 and GNOME-Look Guide. My Story - Out With The New, In With The Old My Opinion - GNOME And KDE Themes MOTU Interview - Jamie Strandboge Top 5 - Twitter Clients Other languages