Canonical introduces Steam Snap for easier access to games on Ubuntu: Unity 7.6.0 Custom Shell Release: fwupd 1.8.0, firmware download toolkit available: Release of Trinity R14.0.12 DE: KaOS 2022.04 distribution released:

Cassowary project Release of OS Qubes 4.1 GNOME Commander 1.14 released Kasper, a speculative code execution problem scanner Absolute Linux 15.0 released Release of OpenMandriva Lx 4.3 Postfix 3.7.0 mail server

Apache OpenMeetings 6.2 available Vaultwarden 1.23, released Blender Community Releases Sprite Fright Animated Movie New release of antiX 21 Release of MPV 0.34 Fedora Linux 35 Distribution Released OpenSUSE Leap 15.

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators ClamAV 0.104 Free Antivirus Finnix 123 Linux Distro for System Administrators Is Out Based on Debian Bullseye Tarantool 2.8 released Whonix 16 available

Latte Dock 0.10 released Nmap 7.92 Released Bottlerocket 1.2, isolated container distribution released Release of the P2P platform GNUnet 0.15.0 25th Alpha release available 0 AD Tor Browser 10.5.4 and Tails 4.

Ubuntu Releases After Regression Hirsute Hippo Feature Freeze Thunderbird Backported to Ubuntu 20.04 Mesa Project Looking for Help System76 Milling Their Own Open Source Keyboards Red Hat Announces More Free RHEL

Ubuntu Giving Wayland Another Shot Networking and Touchpads Work in Linux on M1 Macs Greg Kroah-Hartman Needs Commercial Buy In For Longer Kernel Support Sudo Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Allows Unauthorized Root Access

Full Circle Weekly News is now on Spotify: Ubuntu Making Home Folders Private in 21.04 Ubuntu 21.04 Makes Phased Updates a Reality Tails Has a Focus in 2021 Project Lenix from CloudLinux Gets a Name

KDE Will Support Fingerprints XFCE Shaping Up For a Strong Version 4.16 Microsoft Defender Previewing New Features for Linux Only Tuxedo Computers Reverse Engineers Drivers Tails 4.13 Out Kali 2020.

Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla and Flavors Released It’s Fedora Test Week for Kernel 5.9 Microsoft Edge Preview Builds Available Mozilla Reacts to the U.S. v. Google Antitrust Lawsuit Pop!_OS 20.

Linux GUI Apps Coming to Windows Linux Mint 20.1 Will Arrive Mid-December [Ubuntu 20.10, Groovy Gorilla ](https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-20-10-beta-is-now-available-for-download) Fedora 33 Beta Out Tails 4.11 Out Nitrux 1.3.3 Out Firefox 81.0.1 Out

Oracle’s Patch Reduces Boot Times By Almost Half Inkscape 1.0 Released, Finally Ubuntu Studio 20.10 To Ship With Plasma Ubuntu 20.04 Certifies the Pi Audacity Released 2.4, Withdrew It, Then Released It Again