Budgie 10.10 Will Only Retain Wayland Support: Release of fheroes2 1.1.5: AlmaLinux Kitten 10 update: SeaMonkey 2.5 Suite 3.20 Released: OrangePi Neo Gaming Console Comes with Manjaro Linux: Scribus 1.

First release of Wolvic browser edition with Chromium engine: MPV Video Player Release 0.39: A console Live build of CentOS Stream MIN: OpenWrt 23.05.5: OpenBSD Bans Null Characters in Shell Scripts:

wcurl has been accepted into the Curl project: Release of Frigate 0.14: Release of Hyprland 0.42: RebeccaBlackOS 2024-08-12: Release of Tails 6.6: Release of Minetest 5.9.0: Release of Mesa 24.

Release of SysVinit 3.09: Release of GNU Emacs 29.3: After TrueNAS CORE 13.3, the FreeBSD-based branch will be put into maintenance mode: Starting with Ubuntu 14.04, support for LTS releases will be increased to 12 years:

Release of Tiny Core Linux 15.0: Release of CAD KiCad 8.0: Tails 6.0, switched to Debian 12 and GNOME 43: Theseus Ship 6.0: Release of Zentyal 8.0: Release of RAR 7.

The Linux 6.8 kernel is scheduled to include the first network driver in Rust: The radv Mesa-driver supports Vulkan extensions for h.265 video encoding: Release of Qubes 4.2.0 OS:

Delta Chat 1.42: Release of Incus 0.3: Comentario 3.0.0: Red Hat to remove X.org server and related components from RHEL 10: Tails 5.20: PeerTube 6.0: Release of Armbian 23.11:

Release of Apache NetBeans 19: Samba 4.19.0: Release of Manjaro Linux 23.0: Tails 5.17: webOS Open Source Edition 2.23: Ubuntu will support full-disk encryption that uses TPM: Double Commander 1.

Amazon and Google have opened Snapchange and Buzzer: A new panel written in Rust for COSMIC: Release of DietPi 8.17: Release of Rocky Linux 9.2: Release of Tor 12.0.6 and Tails 5.

Vulnerability in the Linux 6.2 kernel: Postfix 3.8.0 available: Release of the Deepin 20.9: Release of digiKam 8.0: Release of Vivaldi 6.0: Release of Fedora Linux 38: Tails 5.12:

SCALE19x returns to the Los Angeles area July 28-31. Join the Ubuntu and Linux community for 100+ sessions on all things opensource. Keynotes include Vint Cerf, Aeva Black, Demetris Cheatham, and more.

Paragon Software has resumed maintenance of the NTFS3 module in the Linux kernel: Release of Tails 5.1: New driver for the Vulkan graphics API is being developed: Rakudo compiler release 2022.