This month: Command & Conquer : Terminal How-To : Python, Blender [NEW!] and LibreOffice Writer Tips Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu Micro This Micro That Review : Lubuntu 21.10 Review : Xencelabs Pen Tablet Medium Bundle Book Review : Object Orientated Python Ubports Touch Ubuntu Games : Slipstream plus: News, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Ubuntu On a 2-in-1 Tablet, and Rawtherapee - Graphics : Inkscape Graphics : Krita for Old Photos Linux Loopback Everyday Ubuntu : Starting Again Ubports Touch Review : Kubuntu, and Xubuntu 20.

Knoppix 8.6 is Now Based on Debian 10 “Buster” System76 Unveils Graphical Firmware Updater for All Debian-Based Linux Distros A Raspberry Pi Based Open Source Tablet is in the Making and It’s Called CutiePie

UBports is keeping the Ubuntu Phone dream alive Debian GNU/Linux 9 “Stretch” Will Be Released On June 17 Samba vulnerability brings WannaCry fears to Linux/Unix Silicon Graphics’ IRIX and Magic Desktop return as Linux desktop

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python, LibreOffice, Migrating From VAX, and The Basics of Audacity Graphics : Inkscape Linux Labs: Netbook Revival and Small LTSP Installation Review: BQ Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Tablet Book Review: Python Crash Course Ubuntu Games: Skullgirls Plus: News, Arduino, Q&A, and soooo much more.

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS arrives complete with ZFS Canonical and BQ’s Aquaris M10 Ubuntu Edition Tablet With Snaps, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will facilitate application management ubuntuBSD, now Has a homepage

ownCloud Pi Device to Run on Snappy Ubuntu Core 16.04 LTS and Raspberry Pi 3 Endless Mini Computer Succeeds Nvidia 364.12 Linux Driver Out Now with Vulkan 1.0, Wayland, and Mir Support

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Run from USB, LibreOffice, and Migrating From VAX Graphics : Inkscape Chrome Cult: Apricity OS Linux Labs: Building A 3D Printer and My Home Network Ubuntu Devices: BQ M10 Tablet Book Review: How Software Works Ubuntu Games: Dying Light Plus: News, Arduino, Q&A, and soooo much more.

Ubuntu MATE 16.04 Alpha 2 Released as the Biggest Update Ever Canonical reinvents the personal mobile computing experience Linux Kernel 2.6.32 LTS Reaches End of Life in February 2016

Episode 1! And, yes, I’ve removed the teletype sound that everyone hated. :) RSS feed also added to the side bar of the site. MJ Technology wants to crowdfund Ubuntu tablets with Atom x7 CPU