Linux 5.13 kernel release LTSM proposed Release of Mixxx 2.3, the free music mixing app Ubuntu is moving away from dark headers and light backgrounds Ultimaker Cura 4.10 released

Ubuntu Giving Wayland Another Shot Networking and Touchpads Work in Linux on M1 Macs Greg Kroah-Hartman Needs Commercial Buy In For Longer Kernel Support Sudo Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Allows Unauthorized Root Access

Raspberry Pi 4 On Sale Now from $35 LibreELEC 9.2 ALPHA1 [Ships] with Raspberry Pi 4B Support Ubuntu Decides to Keep Supporting Selected 32-bit LIbs After Developer Outrage openSUSE Leap 42.

Purism ‘PureOS Store’ will be for both desktop and mobile apps, and that’s a mistake Ubuntu Core doubles down on Internet of Things Ubuntu Core 18 Released With 10-Year LTS Support

Open Source Software: 20-Plus Years of Innovation IBM Buys Linux & Open Source Software Distributor Red Hat For $34 Billion We (may) now know the real reason for that IBM takeover.

Ubuntu MATE And Ubuntu Budgie Dropping 32-bit Hardware Support Now You Can Officially Run Linux Apps On Chrome OS KaOS KDE-focused rolling Linux distro celebrates 5th birthday with updated ISO

Apologies for the lack of shows for the past two weeks. I had a heavy cold and assumed you wouldn’t want me coughing and sniffling in your ears. :) Canonical extends Ubuntu 12.

Ubuntu Touch OTA-15 Has Been Officially Released for Ubuntu Phones and Tablets UBports Community Successfully Ports Canonical’s Ubuntu OS to the Fairphone 2 Tails 3.0 will drop 32-bit processor support

Linux powered Zumwalt Destroyer delivered to US navy Chromebooks are about to take over Vulkan Support May Soon Be Implemented in Ubuntu Linux’s Mir Display Server Torvalds unhappy with sloppy Unix Millennium Bug