Amazon and Google have opened Snapchange and Buzzer: A new panel written in Rust for COSMIC: Release of DietPi 8.17: Release of Rocky Linux 9.2: Release of Tor 12.0.6 and Tails 5.

Release of Linux kernel 6.2: Release of Budgie 10.7.1: Fish shell is being rewritten in Rust language: openSUSE Leap beta release 15.5: Jami “Vilagfa” is available: A plan to promote a Linux driver, Xe for Intel GPU:

Release of Toybox 0.8.7: Patches for the Linux kernel with Rust language support: The Weron project developing VPN based on the WebRTC protocol: Photoflare 1.6.10 image editor released: GNOME Project Strategy in 2022:

GNUnet P2P Platform Release 0.16.0 Release of SQLite 3.38 and sqlite-utils 3.24 Release of MPlayer 1.5 media player Coreboot 4.16 released Canonical and Vodafone develop cloud smartphone technology using Anbox Cloud

GhostBSD Release 21.11.24 Tux Paint 0.9.27 is released SQLite 3.37 Released The OpenPrinting project has released CUPS 2.4.0 WebOS Open Source Edition 2.14 Released 4MLinux 38.0 in the wild

PHP 8.1 alpha testing has begun rqlite 6.0, a distributed fault-tolerant SQLite-based database management system New stable Tor 0.4.6 branch GNU nano text editor 5.8 SME Server 10.0 Linux server

This month Ubuntu News. How-To : Programming in Python, LibreOffice, and An Intro To SQLite. Graphics : Blender, and Inkscape. Review: TV Browser & CMUS. AND: New Ubuntu Games writers and the Reader Survey 2013 results!