Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 Officially Released SparkyLinux’s November ISO Brings Debian “Bullseye” Updates Microsoft Edge Will be Available on Linux SINGA becomes top-level project of the Apache Software Foundation

New Android Zero-Day Vulnerability Found Docker Has Financial Problems SparkyLinux 5.9 Released GNU Project Developers Object to Richard Stallman’s Continued Leadership SUSE Drops OpenStack Cloud NVIDIA Still Working On A Generic Allocator

Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Makes It Easier to Patch the Linux Kernel without Rebooting GNOME Wants to Make Linux Firmware Updates Easier to Deploy with New Tool Microsoft wants to bring exFAT to the Linux kernel

Linux Journal Ceases Publication: An Awkward Goodbye SparkyLinux Gets New Development Cycle Based on Debian 11 Capsule8 Adds Significant Funding from Intel Capital Three Weeks After Closing Red Hat Deal, IBM Rolls Out New Cloud Offerings

Ubuntu-based elementary OS 5.0 ‘Juno’ Beta 2 Linux distro now available Solus 3.9999 ISO Refresh Released New SparkyLinux 5.5 “Nibiru” ISOs Released with Latest Debian Buster Updates New Firefox browser bug causes crashes on Windows, Mac and Linux

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS “Bionic Beaver” Beta 1 Released For Opt-In Flavors New Ubuntu Installs Could Be Speed Up by 10% with the Zstd Compression Algorithm Debian 9.4 Stretch GNU/Linux Released With 150+ Fixes