Linux kernel 6.13 released: Mesa adopts amdgpu_virtio: Linux libre kernel 6.13: Release of Toybox 0.8.12: 9front release 10931: Wine 10.0 Stable Release: Release of VeraCrypt 1.26.18: SDL 3 Released:

Release of Inkscape 1.4: Qt 6.8 Framework Release: Solus 4.6 released: OpenSSH, moves to sshd-auth: Intel and AMD, with Linus Torvalds, Form x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group: Rogue Legacy Source Code Released:

Linux kernel 6.7 release: KDE Plasma desktop in OpenBSD: Release of Solus 4.5: Chrome OS 120 released: Arch Linux switched to using dbus-broker: Arti 1.1.12, an implementation of Tor in Rust:

Perl 5.38.0 with class support: Release of rclone 1.63: DeltaTouch 1.0.0: New release of Radix: KDE Neon: 75% of Steam games play in Linux: LXD seperation: The sourcegraph project moved from an open license to proprietary:

Linux kernel 6.3 release: Audacity 3.3: Victory for Barsoom: Opera One, replacing the current browser: Solus 5 coming full circle: Update of Budgie 10.7.2: Update of CudaText: Update of Debian 11.

Release of Minetest 5.7.0: Release of OpenBSD 7.3: FreeBSD 13.2 with Netlink and WireGuard support: 4MLinux 42.0 Release of Meson 1.1: New version of nginx 1.24.0: NVIDIA has published the code RTX Remix Runtime:

Slackel 7.5 distribution released Pinta 2.0 graphics editor released Solus project drama Speed up building the Linux kernel by 50-80% KDE plans to achieve parity between Wayland and X11 sessions in 2022

Solus 4.3 released Microsoft has published CBL-Mariner distribution RHEL-compatible EuroLinux 8.3 released Amazon publishes OpenSearch 1.0, a fork of the Elasticsearch platform PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.5 Release MongoDB 5.0 available

Ubuntu 20.04.2 and Flavors with HWE Stack Released Ubuntu To Replace Ubiquity Installer Apache Project Hoping for New Rust Cryptography Module, with Help from Google Martin Wimpress to Leave Post at Canonical

Kubuntu Focus Laptop to Ship in Early February ProtonVPN Open Sources All of Its Apps Wine 5.0 Released Kernel 5.5 Released FSF Wants to Upcycle Windows 7 Gnu Make 4.

Zorin OS 15 Enters Beta with Flatpak Support, Based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Solus 4 “Fortitude” Officially Released, It’s Now Available for Download MATE 1.22 Linux Desktop Is Here With Improvements And Fixes Source

Ubuntu-based elementary OS 5.0 ‘Juno’ Beta 2 Linux distro now available Solus 3.9999 ISO Refresh Released New SparkyLinux 5.5 “Nibiru” ISOs Released with Latest Debian Buster Updates New Firefox browser bug causes crashes on Windows, Mac and Linux