Linux kernel 6.13 released: Mesa adopts amdgpu_virtio: Linux libre kernel 6.13: Release of Toybox 0.8.12: 9front release 10931: Wine 10.0 Stable Release: Release of VeraCrypt 1.26.18: SDL 3 Released:

Sway 1.10 User Environment Released: Raspberry Pi OS switched to Wayland: The Flock project: Fedora Linux Release 41: X.Org Server 21.1.14 Update with Vulnerability Fix: Shotcut Video Editor 10/24:

GTK 4.16 is available: Release of Redox OS 0.9: Droidian 99, has been released: Radicle 1.0 released: Gentoo Linux Significantly Improves Support for MIPS and Alpha: Release of Ardour 8.

GNU Guile 3.0.10: Release SKUDONET 7.1: Release of OpenShot 3.2.0: openSUSE Leap Micro 6.0: Ubuntu Sway Remix 24.04: TileOS 1.1 distribution update: Release of PipeWire 1.2.0: Release of video editor Shotcut 24.

Release of Amarok 3.0.0: Release of Shotcut 24.04: Lennart Pottering introduces run0: Release of meta-distribution T2 SDE 24.5: Release of OpenTofu 1.7: Release of LibreELEC 12.0: Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

Helios distribution based on Illumos: Release of Shotcut 24.01: Firmware release for Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Focal: Pale Moon Browser 33.0.0 Released: Release of LibreOffice 24.2: ONLYOFFICE 8.0 office suite published:

nginx 1.23.0 release: New Qt project leader appointed: Rust support in the Linux 5.20 kernel: The GeckoLinux creator introduced SpiralLinux: AMD Opens FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 Technology: KaOS 2022.06 distribution released:

The Muse Group acquired the Audacity project GParted 1.3 Partition Editor released Wayland-protocols 1.21 released Exim 4.94.2 update fixes 10 remotely exploited vulnerabilities Apache OpenOffice 4.1.10, fixing a vulnerability affecting LibreOffice