Release of Lutris 0.5.15: openSUSE Leap 16 will be built on the ALP platform using containers: COSMIC Custom Shell: VirtualBox 7.0.14 released: MySQL 8.3.0 DBMS: X.Org Server 21.1.11: Release of Tesseract 5.

Release of Linux kernel 6.2: Release of Budgie 10.7.1: Fish shell is being rewritten in Rust language: openSUSE Leap beta release 15.5: Jami “Vilagfa” is available: A plan to promote a Linux driver, Xe for Intel GPU:

Wifibox 0.10 - environment for using Linux WiFi drivers in FreeBSD: Git 2.37 source control release: Release BitTorrent client Deluge 2.1: Thunderbird 102 mail client released: 23rd Ubuntu Touch Firmware Update:

Canonical introduces Steam Snap for easier access to games on Ubuntu: Unity 7.6.0 Custom Shell Release: fwupd 1.8.0, firmware download toolkit available: Release of Trinity R14.0.12 DE: KaOS 2022.04 distribution released:

New Release of Raspberry Pi OS: Thunderbird 100 beta release integrates Matrix protocol support: Custom Material Shell 42: MX Linux release 21.1: Release of OpenSSH 9.0 with transfer of scp to the SFTP protocol:

Release of the Lutris 0.5.10 platform Release of Nitrux 2.1 with the NX Desktop Release of xfce4-terminal 1.0.0 qutebrowser 2.5 and Min 1.24 web browsers available(https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases/tag/v2.5.0) New versions of Claws Mail 3.

Arti 0.0.3, a Rust implementation of the Tor client SystemRescue 9.0.0 released Release of GhostBSD 01/22/12 Release of Mumble 1.4 Essence - an original operating system with its own kernel and graphical shell

Canonical introduced Ubuntu Frame shell Release of Lakka 3.5 Lumina Desktop 1.6.1 Release Nitrux 1.6.1 with NX Desktop is Released Release of OnlyOffice Desktop 6.4 LLVM Compiler 13.0 Released

The first stable release of GNU wget2 PaSh shell script parallelization system moved under the wing of Linux Foundation Fedora Linux 35 has entered beta testing OBS Studio 27.1 Released

AV Linux 2021.05.22 Qmmp Music Player 1.5.0 Released Inkscape 1.1 released OSGeo-Live 14.0 is out Release of nftables 0.9.9 So, Glimpse died… Oracle Linux 8.4 Distribution Released AlmaLinux 8.4, continuing development of CentOS 8

[Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Operating System Reaches End of Life on July 20, 2017](Yakkety Yak) Ubuntu Developer Shares His Thoughts on the Unity to GNOME Shell Transition Linux Mint 18.

Ubuntu’s Unity desktop shows the limits of Windows 10’s Bash shell This Android Trojan blocks victims from alerting banks Flaw in vBulletin add-on leads to Ubuntu Forums database breach