Update to Nodeverse: Release of Gnuplot 6.0: Release of Scribus 1.6.0: Release of Snoop 1.4.0: Release of Vim 9.1: Release of IPFire 2.27 Core 182: Maestro core, written in Rust and partially compatible with Linux:

The Linux 6.8 kernel is scheduled to include the first network driver in Rust: The radv Mesa-driver supports Vulkan extensions for h.265 video encoding: Release of Qubes 4.2.0 OS:

Free sound editor Ardour 8.0 Ubuntu will restrict access to user namespace Wayfire 0.8, using Wayland: Fedora project’s laptop: Release of Krita 5.2 Release of Raspberry Pi OS: Release of Ubuntu 23.

Release of Linux kernel 6.2: Release of Budgie 10.7.1: Fish shell is being rewritten in Rust language: openSUSE Leap beta release 15.5: Jami “Vilagfa” is available: A plan to promote a Linux driver, Xe for Intel GPU:

PLEASE NOTE: NEW RSS FEED URL: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/podcasts/index.xml Release of Budgie 10.7: Release of Coreboot 4.19: Release of ONLYOFFICE Docs 7.3.0: Release of Elementary OS 7: Xfce developing support Wayland: Progress of COSMIC written in Rust:

SCALE19x returns to the Los Angeles area July 28-31. Join the Ubuntu and Linux community for 100+ sessions on all things opensource. Keynotes include Vint Cerf, Aeva Black, Demetris Cheatham, and more.

nginx 1.23.0 release: New Qt project leader appointed: Rust support in the Linux 5.20 kernel: The GeckoLinux creator introduced SpiralLinux: AMD Opens FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.0 Technology: KaOS 2022.06 distribution released:

Release of Toybox 0.8.7: Patches for the Linux kernel with Rust language support: The Weron project developing VPN based on the WebRTC protocol: Photoflare 1.6.10 image editor released: GNOME Project Strategy in 2022:

Mesa’s Rust implementation of OpenCL now supports OpenCL 3.0: Intel Opens PSE Block Firmware Code for Elkhart Lake Chips: DBMS libmdbx 0.11.7 Move Development to GitFlic After Lockdown on GitHub:

GNUnet P2P Platform Release 0.16.0 Release of SQLite 3.38 and sqlite-utils 3.24 Release of MPlayer 1.5 media player Coreboot 4.16 released Canonical and Vodafone develop cloud smartphone technology using Anbox Cloud

Arti 0.0.3, a Rust implementation of the Tor client SystemRescue 9.0.0 released Release of GhostBSD 01/22/12 Release of Mumble 1.4 Essence - an original operating system with its own kernel and graphical shell

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators Ultimaker Cura 4.11 released Revolt – alternative to Discord Terraform Project news MidnightBSD Project Server Hacked A third party is trying to trademark PostgreSQL in Europe and the US