Release of OSMC 2024.08-1: The OpenBSD project has made changes to the entire code base: Release of the Calligra 4.0 office suite: Release of VeraCrypt 1.26.14: Microsoft hands over Mono project development to Wine community:

Release of Armbian 24.5: Release of KaOS 2024.05: Ubuntu 24.04 builds for the RISC-V board Milk-V Mars: Release of Rhino Linux 2024.1: The XZ project published the result of a commit audit and the first update after the backdoor was identified:

The Linux 6.8 kernel is scheduled to include the first network driver in Rust: The radv Mesa-driver supports Vulkan extensions for h.265 video encoding: Release of Qubes 4.2.0 OS:

LXD and the Linux Containers community: Release of VCMI 1.3.0: Rhino Linux is available: Release of NetworkManager 1.44.0: Recording companies block Youtube-dl: Release of outWiker 3.2 notes: Rocky Linux, Oracle and SUSE have created a joint repository:

Ubuntu LTS Point Releases Are Here Rolling Rhino Turns Ubuntu 20.04 into a Rolling Release Boothole, A Linux Security Vulnerability Red Hat’s Boothole Fix Causes Issues Firefox Cuts Jobs Again