Linux kernel 6.9 release: Viola Workstation K 10.3: Debian switches to a stripped-down version of the KeePassXC: Rescuezilla 2.5: An NVIDIA representative answered questions related to the transfer of drivers to open kernel modules:

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Rescuezilla for Backups and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Graphics : FreeCAD [NEW!] Review : Xubuntu 22.10 Review : MX Linux plus: News, My Opinion, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

Release of Siduction 2021.3 Release of Rescuezilla 2.3 backup distribution KiCad 6.0 CAD released Nitrux 1.8.0 Distribution Release with NX Deskto Lumina Desktop 1.6.2 Released Enlightenment 0.25 Released Release of BusyBox 1.

Rescuezilla 2.2 Backup Distribution Released Lakka 3.1, a distribution for creating game consoles Blender 2.93 LTS released Regolith Desktop 1.6 Released Vsftpd 3.0.4 released IceWM 2.4 window manager released

Lubuntu 21.04 Artwork Contest Open Ubuntu’s Switch to LZO in Snapd Ubuntu’s Snap Theming Will See Changes for the Better GTK4 Is Available After 4 Years In Development XFCE 4.

Canonicals MicroK8s Gets High-Availability A Massive KDE Plasma 5.20 Released Big Changes in the Nextcloud Hub 20 Release The Linux Foundation Announces the Open Governance Network Model LibreOffice’s Mike Saunters Pens Open Letter to OpenOffice

Linux Mint Confirms Snap Will Be Forbidden TUXEDO Computers and System76 Now Have AMD Laptop Offerings Kup Is Now an Official KDE App Kernel 5.8 Will Be One of the Biggest Releases of All Time