Chrome OS 99 released Budgie 10.6 desktop First release of LWQt, a Wayland-based variant of the LXQt wrapper Fedora Linux 37 intends to stop building optional packages for the i686 architecture

Release of Ventoy 1.0.62 ToaruOS 2.0 operating system released Intel Moves Cloud Hypervisor Development to Linux Foundation PeerTube 4.0 released ReactOS 0.4.14 operating system released Release youtube-dl 2021.12.17 Credits

AlmaLinux 8.5 is available Release of Lakka 3.6 LF Decentralized Storage Migrated to Open License SeaMonkey 2.53.10 Released Fedora Linux 37 intends to end support for 32-bit ARM architecture

First release of Fosscord’s Discord-compatible communication platform Apache Foundation moves away from mirrors in favor of CDN Rancher Desktop 0.6.0 Released(Including Linux support) Dash to Dock 70 released Double Commander 1.

Ubuntu LTS Point Releases Are Here Rolling Rhino Turns Ubuntu 20.04 into a Rolling Release Boothole, A Linux Security Vulnerability Red Hat’s Boothole Fix Causes Issues Firefox Cuts Jobs Again

KDE Plasma 5.14 Released: What’s New In The Popular Linux Desktop Punkt: A minimalist Android for the paranoid Google+ Is Shutting Down After Data Breach Microsoft: we’ve got your back, Linux, here are 60,000 patents to protect you

Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Point Release Coming On Feb 2 With Linux Kernel 4.8 Canonical launches Ubuntu Tutorials [Ubuntu Developers Now Tracking Linux Kernel 4.10 for Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus)](Zesty Zapus)

This drone development kit can also be an Ubuntu PC IBM to set up new Linux cloud for Africa BASHLITE malware turning millions of Linux Based IoT Devices into DDoS botnet

Academics claim Google Android two-factor authentication is breakable Nvidia Bets Big On Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Supercomputer DGX-1 New Wine Release Ubuntu Touch OTA-10 Officially Released Infographic: Ubuntu Linux Is Everywhere

This month Command and Conquer. How-To : Program in Python - Part 24, LibreOffice - Part 5, Ubuntu Development - Part 2, and Use KDE (4.6). Linux Lab - Gnome Shell -vs- Unity.