Atari VCS RAM Doubled To 8GB; Will Ship With Linux-based Distro “AtariOS” Forbes writer falls in love with Ubuntu after two decades of Windows updates Pinguy OS Puts On a Happier GNOME 3 Face

Why KDE’s Plasma Mobile is the ideal platform for Linux fans and developers KDE Slimbook II is Cheaper and More Powerful Skype Released as Snap on Ubuntu, Linux Mint

Firefox Addon Injects Monero Miner Source LibreOffice 6.0 Released With New Features Source Red Hat buys CoreOS Source Intel Disclosed Meltdown Bugs to Chinese Compaines before the US Govrenment Source

Ubuntu 17.10 To Have Wayland Display Server As Default Ubuntu might retire Thunderbird Red Hat and Fedora Teams Welcome Ubuntu to GNOME and Wayland with Open Arms Tails 2.12 Anonymous Live OS Is Out, Drops I2P as Alternative Anonymity Network

Firmware updates for Ubuntu phones on hold Artificial intelligence keeps IBM atop 2016 patent list Linux Kernel 4.8 Reaches End of Life, Users Urged to Move to Linux 4.9 Series

Nexus 6 Is Now an Unofficial Ubuntu Phone BleachBit 1.12 Brings Support for Ubuntu 16.04, and Fedora 24 Scientific Linux 6.8 to Be Based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.

UbuCon Europe, the Very First European Ubuntu Conference, Announced for November Debian GNU/Linux 8.4 and 7.10 Officially Released RaspEX Linux for Raspberry Pi 3 Gets Kodi Media Center, and Bluetooth Support

Google’s artificial intelligence arm moves in to healthcare Security Researchers At Red Hat And Google Warn Of Serious Linux Skeleton Key Vulnerability Meizu PRO 5 Ubuntu Edition now Available for Pre-Order