SFC urges open source projects to stop using GitHub: Porteus 5.0 distribution released: Release of Zabbix 6.2: The KDE project introduced their fourth generation of KDE Slimbooks: Oracle Linux 9 and Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 available:

NetworkManager 1.38.0 released: iptables packet filter release 1.8.8: Release of TrueNAS 13.0: Serious Sam Classic game engine updated for Linux: Release of Rocky Linux 8.6: Release of Inkscape 1.2:

Release of Toybox 0.8.7: Patches for the Linux kernel with Rust language support: The Weron project developing VPN based on the WebRTC protocol: Photoflare 1.6.10 image editor released: GNOME Project Strategy in 2022:

Release of Blender 3.1 TUF 1.0 is available, a framework for secure delivery of updates First release of Offpunk console browser Debian 12 package base freeze date determined Red Hat tried to take away the WeMakeFedora.

Apache OpenMeetings 6.2 available Vaultwarden 1.23, released Blender Community Releases Sprite Fright Animated Movie New release of antiX 21 Release of MPV 0.34 Fedora Linux 35 Distribution Released OpenSUSE Leap 15.

Linux 5.13 kernel release LTSM proposed Release of Mixxx 2.3, the free music mixing app Ubuntu is moving away from dark headers and light backgrounds Ultimaker Cura 4.10 released

Bodhi 6 64-bit release KDE Plasma 5.22 testing has begun Zabbix 5.4 release NetBSD 9.2 released The OpenPrinting project and CUPS printing system Vulnerabilities in Please, the Rust alternative to sudo

Release of Godot 3.3 Linux kernel 5.12 released Release of Akira 0.0.14 Finit 4.0 init system available Fedora 34 Linux distribution released Pale Moon 29.2 Browser Released Budgie Desktop 10.

Ubuntu Releases After Regression Hirsute Hippo Feature Freeze Thunderbird Backported to Ubuntu 20.04 Mesa Project Looking for Help System76 Milling Their Own Open Source Keyboards Red Hat Announces More Free RHEL

This month Command & Conquer : LMMS How-To : Python, Podcast Production, and Ventoy Graphics : Inkscape Linux Loopback Everyday Ubuntu : Cooking Pt.2 Review : Ubuntu Unity 20.10 and Xojo Ubuntu Games : Waiting For The Raven Plus: News, My Story, The Daily Waddle, Q&A, and more.

WSL2 Now Mounts Linux Disks Linux Mint Planning a WebApp Manager Fedora to Use BTRFS as Default Filesystem in Fedora 33 Fedora Adding Wayland Support for KDE in 34

Ubuntu LTS Point Releases Are Here Rolling Rhino Turns Ubuntu 20.04 into a Rolling Release Boothole, A Linux Security Vulnerability Red Hat’s Boothole Fix Causes Issues Firefox Cuts Jobs Again