The tools wget 1.25 and Curl 8.11 are now available: and CachyOS 241110 Released: Release of Luanti 5.10.0: DXVK 2.5 Release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10 Beta Release and RHEL 9.

Release of Armbian 24.8: Release of DietPi 9.7 Samba 4.21.0 Released: GhostBSD 24.07.1 Released: Weston Composite Server 14.0 Released: KDE Project Report 2023: SeaMonkey 2.53.19 Released: QEMU 9.1.0 Available:

Release of Amarok 3.0.0: Release of Shotcut 24.04: Lennart Pottering introduces run0: Release of meta-distribution T2 SDE 24.5: Release of OpenTofu 1.7: Release of LibreELEC 12.0: Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.

GnuCOBOL compiler and the SuperBOL development environment: Microsoft open sourced Garnet storage: GNOME 46 Published: Release of Wayland-Protocols 1.34: The Redis DBMS is moving to a proprietary license: Red Hat introduced Nova:

Delta Chat 1.42: Release of Incus 0.3: Comentario 3.0.0: Red Hat to remove X.org server and related components from RHEL 10: Tails 5.20: PeerTube 6.0: Release of Armbian 23.11:

Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3: AlmaLinux 9.3: Vivaldi browser has appeared on Flathub: Release of Wireshark 4.2: HandBrake 1.7.0: Release of Blender 4.0: Release of EuroLinux 9.3:

Release of Libreboot 20231106: Release of SAIL 0.9.0: OmniOS CE r151048 and OpenIndiana 2023.10: Release of Mineclonia 0.91 game created on Minetest engine Release of Fedora Linux 39: GIMP 2.

Wolvic 1.5 light: KaOS 2023.09: LibrePCB reaches 1.0: GNU Project is 40 years old: Release of Porteus 5.01: Linux Mint Debian Edition 6: Release of CrossOver 23.5: Red Hat moves from Bugzilla Error Tracking System to JIRA:

Linux 6.4 kernel released: Release of Libreboot 20230625: Fedora Workstation 39 new installer: InkBox OS 2.0: Release of Blender 3.6: Release of Proxmox Backup Server 3.0: Oracle automatic optimization:

Amazon and Google have opened Snapchange and Buzzer: A new panel written in Rust for COSMIC: Release of DietPi 8.17: Release of Rocky Linux 9.2: Release of Tor 12.0.6 and Tails 5.

Creator of LLVM develops a new programming language Mojo: Lennart Pottering offered to add a soft reboot mode to systemd: Release of Alpine Linux 3.18: Free 2D CAD CadZinho 0.

SCALE19x returns to the Los Angeles area July 28-31. Join the Ubuntu and Linux community for 100+ sessions on all things opensource. Keynotes include Vint Cerf, Aeva Black, Demetris Cheatham, and more.