Lunatik: Release of EdgeDB 5.0: Release of Audacity 3.5: NetBSD 9.4 released: Release of Nmap 7.95: Release of the Fedora Linux 40: Nginx 1.26.0 released with HTTP/3 support: Release of TrueNAS SCALE 24.

Release of Tiny Core Linux 15.0: Release of CAD KiCad 8.0: Tails 6.0, switched to Debian 12 and GNOME 43: Theseus Ship 6.0: Release of Zentyal 8.0: Release of RAR 7.

NVK supports Vulkan 1.0: Fedora 40 plans to enable system service isolation: Release of FreeBSD 14.0: Rocky Linux 9.3: Release of owncast 0.1.2: EndeavourOS 23.11: New versions of Claws Mail 3.

Perl 5.38.0 with class support: Release of rclone 1.63: DeltaTouch 1.0.0: New release of Radix: KDE Neon: 75% of Steam games play in Linux: LXD seperation: The sourcegraph project moved from an open license to proprietary:

Linux 6.4 kernel released: Release of Libreboot 20230625: Fedora Workstation 39 new installer: InkBox OS 2.0: Release of Blender 3.6: Release of Proxmox Backup Server 3.0: Oracle automatic optimization:

The FreeBSD project is 30 years old: Bcachefs in the Linux kernel: SysLinuxOS 12: Release of the SDL 2.28.0: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP5: CentOS Stream will be the only public source of RHEL packages:

Canonical introduces Steam Snap for easier access to games on Ubuntu: Unity 7.6.0 Custom Shell Release: fwupd 1.8.0, firmware download toolkit available: Release of Trinity R14.0.12 DE: KaOS 2022.04 distribution released:

AlmaLinux 8.5 is available Release of Lakka 3.6 LF Decentralized Storage Migrated to Open License SeaMonkey 2.53.10 Released Fedora Linux 37 intends to end support for 32-bit ARM architecture

The second edition of patches for the Linux kernel with support for Rust Release of Virtuozzo Linux 8.4 OpenVMS operating system for x86-64 architecture Nextcloud Hub 22 Collaboration Platform Available

Release of Godot 3.3 Linux kernel 5.12 released Release of Akira 0.0.14 Finit 4.0 init system available Fedora 34 Linux distribution released Pale Moon 29.2 Browser Released Budgie Desktop 10.