Linux kernel 6.11 released: FreeBSD 13.4 Released: OpenSearch, a fork of the Elasticsearch platform, is now under the wing of the Linux Foundation: AMD Engineer Proposes Easier Linux Kernel Management of CPU Vulnerability Locks:

Release of the GNU Coreutils 9.1 set of core system utilities: LXQt 1.1 User Environment Released: Rsync 3.2.4 Released: Celestial shuns snaps: The SDL developers have canceled the default Wayland switch in the 2.

Apache OpenMeetings 6.1 web conferencing server released The PINE64 project introduced the PineNote e-book Slackware 15 rc-1 Published Git 2.33 source control released A new Pale Moon Browser version

Ubuntu Releases After Regression Hirsute Hippo Feature Freeze Thunderbird Backported to Ubuntu 20.04 Mesa Project Looking for Help System76 Milling Their Own Open Source Keyboards Red Hat Announces More Free RHEL

Full Circle Weekly News is now on Spotify: Ubuntu Making Home Folders Private in 21.04 Ubuntu 21.04 Makes Phased Updates a Reality Tails Has a Focus in 2021 Project Lenix from CloudLinux Gets a Name

Getting Root on Ubuntu 20.04 Intel Vulnerabilities in All Supported Ubuntus Ubuntu Reverts Intel Microcode Flaws KDE Announces a Pinephone and Framework and an Update Debian Has a New Theme

Ubuntu 20.04 Released Ubuntu Survey Results Fedora 32 Released Lenovo Now Shipping Fedora on Thinkpads Manjaro 20 Released Bug In Git May Leak Credentials Linux Kernel 5.7 rc4 Out