Release of Parrot 6.1: Perl 5.40.0 available: Release of Winlator 7.0: webOS Open Source Edition 2.26: Release of systemd system manager 256 with run0 utility to replace sudo: Release of openSUSE Leap 15.

Perl 5.38.0 with class support: Release of rclone 1.63: DeltaTouch 1.0.0: New release of Radix: KDE Neon: 75% of Steam games play in Linux: LXD seperation: The sourcegraph project moved from an open license to proprietary:

Paragon Software has resumed maintenance of the NTFS3 module in the Linux kernel: Release of Tails 5.1: New driver for the Vulkan graphics API is being developed: Rakudo compiler release 2022.

Release of LXLE Focal: OpenMandriva rock n roll: PowerDNS Recursor 4.7.0 Caching DNS Server Released: Release of the NixOS 22.05 distribution using the Nix package manager: Ubuntu 22.10 will replace GEdit with the new GNOME text editor:

Bodhi 6 64-bit release KDE Plasma 5.22 testing has begun Zabbix 5.4 release NetBSD 9.2 released The OpenPrinting project and CUPS printing system Vulnerabilities in Please, the Rust alternative to sudo

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python, GRAMPS, and Using Netcat pt2 Graphics : Inkscape My Opinion: LibreOffice Draw Linux Loopback: GhostBSD & Interview Everyday Ubuntu: Getting Help Book Review: Learning Perl 6 [NEW!