Linux powered Zumwalt Destroyer delivered to US navy Chromebooks are about to take over Vulkan Support May Soon Be Implemented in Ubuntu Linux’s Mir Display Server Torvalds unhappy with sloppy Unix Millennium Bug

This month Ubuntu News. How-To : Programming in Python, LibreOffice, and Install 12.10 on an EEE PC. Graphics : [NEW!] Blender, and Inkscape. Web Dev : CRUD Part 4. Book Review - Super Scratch Programming.

This month Command and Conquer - Resizing Images With FFMPEG. How-To : Program in C - Part 6, Web Development - Part 3, Installing CrunchEEE To The EEE PC, and Spreading Ubuntu.

This issue contains… Linux Mint Install. How-To : Compile from Source, Install and use TuxPaint, Rip a DVD with AcidRip and Create Your Own Server Part 2. Review of the ASUS EEE PC running Xubuntu.