GnuCOBOL compiler and the SuperBOL development environment: Microsoft open sourced Garnet storage: GNOME 46 Published: Release of Wayland-Protocols 1.34: The Redis DBMS is moving to a proprietary license: Red Hat introduced Nova:

Release of helloSystem 0.8 BSD: The nolibc C-library is supporting signals: Tangram 2.0, web browser based on WebKitGTK: GStreamer 1.22.0: The openSUSE simplified the H.264 codec installation process: Release of Pale Moon 32:

Apache OpenMeetings 6.1 web conferencing server released The PINE64 project introduced the PineNote e-book Slackware 15 rc-1 Published Git 2.33 source control released A new Pale Moon Browser version

Release of Godot 3.3 Linux kernel 5.12 released Release of Akira 0.0.14 Finit 4.0 init system available Fedora 34 Linux distribution released Pale Moon 29.2 Browser Released Budgie Desktop 10.