The highest-performance supercomputers: VKontakte’s open game engine - Nau Engine: Release of Tux Paint 0.9.30: Podman Desktop 1.0: Release of Oracle Linux 8.8 and 9.2: Credits Host: @bardictriad, @zaivala Bumper: Canonical Theme Music: From The Dust - Stardust https://soundcloud.

RT-Thread 5.0: Release of Tux Paint 0.9.29: Fedora FS encryption: Available Wayland 1.22: ppp 2.5.0: Release of OpenShot 3.1: Release of DNF 4.15: Release of Fonoster 0.4, open alternative to Twilio:

GhostBSD Release 21.11.24 Tux Paint 0.9.27 is released SQLite 3.37 Released The OpenPrinting project has released CUPS 2.4.0 WebOS Open Source Edition 2.14 Released 4MLinux 38.0 in the wild

Linux 5.13 kernel release LTSM proposed Release of Mixxx 2.3, the free music mixing app Ubuntu is moving away from dark headers and light backgrounds Ultimaker Cura 4.10 released

Qt 5.15 Fixes No Longer Open The Linux port for Apple’s M1 Gets a Name Firefox Gets a Visual Refresh Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa and Upgrade Paths Out ExTix Deepin 21.