Ubuntu 20.04.2 and Flavors with HWE Stack Released Ubuntu To Replace Ubiquity Installer Apache Project Hoping for New Rust Cryptography Module, with Help from Google Martin Wimpress to Leave Post at Canonical

Full Circle Weekly News is now on Spotify: Ubuntu Making Home Folders Private in 21.04 Ubuntu 21.04 Makes Phased Updates a Reality Tails Has a Focus in 2021 Project Lenix from CloudLinux Gets a Name

The End of ZaReason CentOS Linux 8 End of Life Moved from 2029 to 2021, Stream Takes Over New CentOS Replacement Lineups Spring Up Raspberry Pi OS Updates Out

Getting Root on Ubuntu 20.04 Intel Vulnerabilities in All Supported Ubuntus Ubuntu Reverts Intel Microcode Flaws KDE Announces a Pinephone and Framework and an Update Debian Has a New Theme

AWS Creates Its Own Docker Images Dell Adds Privacy Drivers to the Kernel Elementary OS Is Making Progress with Dark Mode in Odin Raspberry Pi 400’s New Form Factor

Oracle Autonomous Linux Is The World’s First Autonomous OS Linux Kernel 5.3 Gets First Point Release Parrot 4.7 Released with Linux Kernel 5.2 Canonical Releases New Kernel Live Patch for Ubuntu 18.

This month Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Freeplane, and Great Cow Basic Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Linux Researching With Linux My Story Review: ZorinOS Ubuntu Games: Warcraft III Plus: News, and much more.

Soon You’ll Be Able To Run Linux Apps In VM On Chrome OS Ubuntu Adds New “Minimal Installation” Option For Fewer Preinstalled Packages Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver Calamares 3.

Canonical starts IPO path World’s First Quantum Computer Made By China — 24,000 Times Faster Than International Counterparts NHS cyberattack is ‘biggest ransomware outbreak in history’ Debian GNU/Linux 8.8 Released With Tons Of Updates And Fixes

Ubuntu 17.04 to Support IPP Everywhere Printers and Apple AirPrint Debian Is Considering “Automatic Upgrades” 0-days hitting Fedora and Ubuntu open desktops to a world of hurt New BlackArch Linux ISOs Roll Out with over 1600 Hacking Tools

Ubuntu to Reject SHA-1-Signed Repos by Default in APT Starting January 1, 2017 Kaspersky OS: Antivirus Firm Launches Its Own “Hackproof” OS, Based On Microkernel Parrot S.L.A.M.dunk Microsoft Warns Bash on Windows Users About Linux File Changes

Ubuntu Touch OTA-14 Slightly Delayed Microsoft joins the Linux Foundation, 15 years after Ballmer called it ‘cancer’ Almost all the world’s fastest supercomputers run Linux Security bods find Android phoning home.