OpenBSD adds VA-API support: Release of nxs-data-anonymizer 1.9.0: Release of hostapd and wpa_supplicant 2.11: Release of the MidnightBSD 3.2: Restructuring the OpenSSL project: Release of Linux Mint 22: Selectel has begun public beta testing of its own Linux server distribution:

Release of helloSystem 0.8 BSD: The nolibc C-library is supporting signals: Tangram 2.0, web browser based on WebKitGTK: GStreamer 1.22.0: The openSUSE simplified the H.264 codec installation process: Release of Pale Moon 32:

Haiku R1 beta 3 Release of nDPI 4.0 deep packet inspection system PulseAudio 15.0 sound server released Release of OPNsense 21.7 Apache Cassandra 4.0 is available SEE Release of Siduction 2021.

Thunderbird Ownership Transferred to MZLA ND2H Wi-Fi Adapter Is Now FSF Certified Nvidia Dropping Support for Older Graphics Drivers Linux Mint Focuses on LMDE 4 and Cinnamon Google Paid $6.