Void Linux update: MiniOS 4.1 released: Release of MyLibrary 3.1: First results of the project to improve FreeBSD performance on laptops: MaXX Interactive Desktop 2.2 Released: OpenWrt 24.10 is available:

The tools wget 1.25 and Curl 8.11 are now available: and CachyOS 241110 Released: Release of Luanti 5.10.0: DXVK 2.5 Release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10 Beta Release and RHEL 9.

qBittorrent 5.0 Released: FFmpeg 7.1 Released: Phosh 0.42.0 released: Apple has published the open source components used in macOS 15: Oracle Releases Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel R7U3: Nitrux 3.7.0 release:

First release of Wolvic browser edition with Chromium engine: MPV Video Player Release 0.39: A console Live build of CentOS Stream MIN: OpenWrt 23.05.5: OpenBSD Bans Null Characters in Shell Scripts:

Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3: AlmaLinux 9.3: Vivaldi browser has appeared on Flathub: Release of Wireshark 4.2: HandBrake 1.7.0: Release of Blender 4.0: Release of EuroLinux 9.3:

Release of the OBS Studio 29: Update OpenWrt 22.03.3: Release of FreeCol 1.0: Source code of Duelyst game is open: HAMMER2 file system port available for NetBSD and FreeBSD:

Release of the GNU Coreutils 9.1 set of core system utilities: LXQt 1.1 User Environment Released: Rsync 3.2.4 Released: Celestial shuns snaps: The SDL developers have canceled the default Wayland switch in the 2.

Linux 5.14 kernel released Beta version of Multitextor A completely free version of the Linux-libre 5.14 kernel is available NTFS-3G Releases with Vulnerability Elimination ONLYOFFICE Docs 6.4 online editor