mp3 Release of fheroes2 1.1.6: Postfix 3.10.0 has been released: OpenSSH 9.9p2 Update to Fix MITM Attack: Mesa 25.0 is released: OBS Studio and Fedora Resolve Conflict: Xenoeye Netflow/IPFIX/sFlow Collector Release 25.

Release of Inkscape 1.4: Qt 6.8 Framework Release: Solus 4.6 released: OpenSSH, moves to sshd-auth: Intel and AMD, with Linus Torvalds, Form x86 Ecosystem Advisory Group: Rogue Legacy Source Code Released:

Release of MATE 1.28: SerenityOS loses BDFL: (and Linux gains a browser) FreeBSD 14.1 release with improved sound stack and cloud-init support: Canonical has published Ubuntu Core 24: Nitrux 3.

Linux kernel 6.8 released: Release of tenv 1.2.0: Release of OpenSSH 9.7: The OpenAI project has opened Transformer Debugger: GTK 4.14 with new engines for OpenGL and Vulkan: OBS Studio 30.

Linux kernel 6.7 release: KDE Plasma desktop in OpenBSD: Release of Solus 4.5: Chrome OS 120 released: Arch Linux switched to using dbus-broker: Arti 1.1.12, an implementation of Tor in Rust:

VeraCrypt 1.26: Budgie 10.8.1: Advertising ransomware as Thunderbird mail client: Mint Edge 21.2 with new Linux kernel: Release of Elementary OS 7.1: Release of OpenSSH 9.5: Slax 15.0.3 and 12.

New Release of Raspberry Pi OS: Thunderbird 100 beta release integrates Matrix protocol support: Custom Material Shell 42: MX Linux release 21.1: Release of OpenSSH 9.0 with transfer of scp to the SFTP protocol:

Release of the Lutris 0.5.10 platform Release of Nitrux 2.1 with the NX Desktop Release of xfce4-terminal 1.0.0 qutebrowser 2.5 and Min 1.24 web browsers available(https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases/tag/v2.5.0) New versions of Claws Mail 3.

Release of OpenBot 0.5, a smartphone-based robot platform Solaris 11.4 SRU42 Released Release of OpenVi 7.0.12 Freeciv 3.0 game released nftables packet filter 1.0.2 released Slax 11.2 based on Debian 11

Apache OpenMeetings 6.1 web conferencing server released The PINE64 project introduced the PineNote e-book Slackware 15 rc-1 Published Git 2.33 source control released A new Pale Moon Browser version

EndeavourOS 2021.04.17 OpenSSH 8.6 Release with Vulnerability fix Nginx 1.20.0 released Node.js 16.0 JavaScript Server Platform Released Tetris-OS - you guessed it University of Minnesota Suspended from Linux Kernel Development after Submitting Questionable Patches

[Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Operating System Reaches End of Life on July 20, 2017](Yakkety Yak) Ubuntu Developer Shares His Thoughts on the Unity to GNOME Shell Transition Linux Mint 18.