Helios distribution based on Illumos: Release of Shotcut 24.01: Firmware release for Ubuntu Touch OTA-4 Focal: Pale Moon Browser 33.0.0 Released: Release of LibreOffice 24.2: ONLYOFFICE 8.0 office suite published:

Kera Desktop project: Release of EasyOS 5.4: Release of Debian GNU/Hurd 2023: OBS Studio added support for WebRTC with P2P broadcasting: Update of nginx 1.25.1: Nextcloud Hub 5 collaboration:

PLEASE NOTE: NEW RSS FEED URL: https://fullcirclemagazine.org/podcasts/index.xml Release of Budgie 10.7: Release of Coreboot 4.19: Release of ONLYOFFICE Docs 7.3.0: Release of Elementary OS 7: Xfce developing support Wayland: Progress of COSMIC written in Rust:

Release of Toybox 0.8.7: Patches for the Linux kernel with Rust language support: The Weron project developing VPN based on the WebRTC protocol: Photoflare 1.6.10 image editor released: GNOME Project Strategy in 2022:

Arti 0.0.3, a Rust implementation of the Tor client SystemRescue 9.0.0 released Release of GhostBSD 01/22/12 Release of Mumble 1.4 Essence - an original operating system with its own kernel and graphical shell

Canonical introduced Ubuntu Frame shell Release of Lakka 3.5 Lumina Desktop 1.6.1 Release Nitrux 1.6.1 with NX Desktop is Released Release of OnlyOffice Desktop 6.4 LLVM Compiler 13.0 Released

Linux 5.14 kernel released Beta version of Multitextor A completely free version of the Linux-libre 5.14 kernel is available NTFS-3G Releases with Vulnerability Elimination ONLYOFFICE Docs 6.4 online editor

Canonical Chooses Flutter Linux Mint to Make System Updates a Priority Steam Link Now Available on Linux ElementaryOS 6 Changing Some of the Look and Feel Root Access and Denial of Service Flaws Found and Fixed in Kernel 5.

Canonical Preps Emergency Point Releases for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS & Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ONLYOFFICE Announces Blockchain-Based End-to-End Document Encryption KDE Plasma 5.15.2 Desktop Environment Released with 23 Bug Fixes, Update Now