Release of OSMC 2024.08-1: The OpenBSD project has made changes to the entire code base: Release of the Calligra 4.0 office suite: Release of VeraCrypt 1.26.14: Microsoft hands over Mono project development to Wine community:

A Catchy update: Cockroaches close up shop: Minuet in Allegretto: A ship named Solaris: Office freedom: Gear’d up: Freeze, put your hands in the air: Twelve bells, CO: Phantasmagorical news:

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Stable Diffusion and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Review : Ubuntu Unity 23.10 and Cubuntu UbPorts Touch : TouchDown My Story : OPENOFFICE Ubuntu Games - Bzzt!

Release of Bodhi Linux 7.0: P2P VPN 0.10: Traces of malicious activity on the Inkscape download server: Update here: Release of UbuntuDDE 23.04: The LibreOffice project date-linked versioning: Release of QEMU 8.

Kera Desktop project: Release of EasyOS 5.4: Release of Debian GNU/Hurd 2023: OBS Studio added support for WebRTC with P2P broadcasting: Update of nginx 1.25.1: Nextcloud Hub 5 collaboration:

This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Blender and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Everyday Ubuntu : KDE Science Micro This Micro That Review : CutefishOS Review : FreeOffice 2021 My Opinion : First Look At Ubuntu 22.

Lakka 3.4 and RetroArch 1.9.9 emulators Ultimaker Cura 4.11 released Revolt – alternative to Discord Terraform Project news MidnightBSD Project Server Hacked A third party is trying to trademark PostgreSQL in Europe and the US

Apache OpenMeetings 6.1 web conferencing server released The PINE64 project introduced the PineNote e-book Slackware 15 rc-1 Published Git 2.33 source control released A new Pale Moon Browser version

This month Command & Conquer : LMMS How-To : Python, Podcast Production, and Make a Budget Graphics : Inkscape Linux Loopback Everyday Ubuntu : RetroComputing TRS-80 Review : Ubuntu Web 20.

Lubuntu 21.04 Artwork Contest Open Ubuntu’s Switch to LZO in Snapd Ubuntu’s Snap Theming Will See Changes for the Better GTK4 Is Available After 4 Years In Development XFCE 4.

AWS Creates Its Own Docker Images Dell Adds Privacy Drivers to the Kernel Elementary OS Is Making Progress with Dark Mode in Odin Raspberry Pi 400’s New Form Factor

Canonicals MicroK8s Gets High-Availability A Massive KDE Plasma 5.20 Released Big Changes in the Nextcloud Hub 20 Release The Linux Foundation Announces the Open Governance Network Model LibreOffice’s Mike Saunters Pens Open Letter to OpenOffice