Canonical introduced Ubuntu Frame shell Release of Lakka 3.5 Lumina Desktop 1.6.1 Release Nitrux 1.6.1 with NX Desktop is Released Release of OnlyOffice Desktop 6.4 LLVM Compiler 13.0 Released

Linux 5.14 kernel released Beta version of Multitextor A completely free version of the Linux-libre 5.14 kernel is available NTFS-3G Releases with Vulnerability Elimination ONLYOFFICE Docs 6.4 online editor

Ubuntu Giving Wayland Another Shot Networking and Touchpads Work in Linux on M1 Macs Greg Kroah-Hartman Needs Commercial Buy In For Longer Kernel Support Sudo Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Allows Unauthorized Root Access

Qt 5.15 Fixes No Longer Open The Linux port for Apple’s M1 Gets a Name Firefox Gets a Visual Refresh Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa and Upgrade Paths Out ExTix Deepin 21.

Linux Coming to Apple M1 Macs New Ubuntu Members Manjaro 20.2 Nibia Out BlackArch 2020.12.1 Out Nitrux 1.3.5 Out KDE Plasma 5.20.4 Out Cinnamon 4.8 Out OpenZFS 2.0 Out

AWS Creates Its Own Docker Images Dell Adds Privacy Drivers to the Kernel Elementary OS Is Making Progress with Dark Mode in Odin Raspberry Pi 400’s New Form Factor

Linux GUI Apps Coming to Windows Linux Mint 20.1 Will Arrive Mid-December [Ubuntu 20.10, Groovy Gorilla ](https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-20-10-beta-is-now-available-for-download) Fedora 33 Beta Out Tails 4.11 Out Nitrux 1.3.3 Out Firefox 81.0.1 Out

KDE Plasma 5.13 Desktop Reaches End of Life, KDE Plasma 5.14 Arrives October 9 Unity8 on Arch Source Nitrux 1.0.15 brings Kernel 4.18.5 and Plasma 5.13.4 for Most Secure and Integrated Performance Yet