qBittorrent 5.0 Released: FFmpeg 7.1 Released: Phosh 0.42.0 released: Apple has published the open source components used in macOS 15: Oracle Releases Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel R7U3: Nitrux 3.7.0 release:

Release of GNU Binutils 2.43: Release of the Nitrux 3.6.0: Vortex 2.2 is available: Release of Puppeteer 23: First alpha release of the COSMIC desktop environment: LibreCUDA project to run CUDA code on NVIDIA GPUs without proprietary Runtime:

Release of MATE 1.28: SerenityOS loses BDFL: (and Linux gains a browser) FreeBSD 14.1 release with improved sound stack and cloud-init support: Canonical has published Ubuntu Core 24: Nitrux 3.

Release of Widelands 1.2: Nitrux 3.4.0 is available: Release of the ROSA Fresh 12.5: Opening the Mojo language standard library: Libsystemd dependency reduction initiative: Release of Redict 7.3.0: CENO 2.

Release of Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.10: GhostBSD 23.10.1: Release of Incus 0.2: Release of VLC 3.0.20: Midori 11 web browser based on the Floorp project: Release of Pale Moon 32.

Release of antiX 23: Linux 6.5 kernel: KnotDNS 3.3.0 with DNS support over QUIC: Release of the ToaruOS 2.2: Regolith 3.0: MidnightBSD 3.1: Vivaldi 6.2 release: JetBrains announces support for Wayland in IDE IntelliJ:

Linux 6.4 kernel released: Release of Libreboot 20230625: Fedora Workstation 39 new installer: InkBox OS 2.0: Release of Blender 3.6: Release of Proxmox Backup Server 3.0: Oracle automatic optimization:

Linux kernel 6.3 release: Audacity 3.3: Victory for Barsoom: Opera One, replacing the current browser: Solus 5 coming full circle: Update of Budgie 10.7.2: Update of CudaText: Update of Debian 11.

Release of LXLE Focal: OpenMandriva rock n roll: PowerDNS Recursor 4.7.0 Caching DNS Server Released: Release of the NixOS 22.05 distribution using the Nix package manager: Ubuntu 22.10 will replace GEdit with the new GNOME text editor:

Release of the Lutris 0.5.10 platform Release of Nitrux 2.1 with the NX Desktop Release of xfce4-terminal 1.0.0 qutebrowser 2.5 and Min 1.24 web browsers available(https://github.com/qutebrowser/qutebrowser/releases/tag/v2.5.0) New versions of Claws Mail 3.

SUSE releases Rancher Desktop 1.0 rqlite 7.0, a distributed fault-tolerant DBMS Release of Nitrux 2.0 Minetest 5.5.0, an open source clone of MineCraft Falkon 3.2.0 browser developed by the KDE project

Release of Siduction 2021.3 Release of Rescuezilla 2.3 backup distribution KiCad 6.0 CAD released Nitrux 1.8.0 Distribution Release with NX Deskto Lumina Desktop 1.6.2 Released Enlightenment 0.25 Released Release of BusyBox 1.