Lutris 0.5.19 Released: Apache NetBeans 25 IDE: Release of MythTV 35: Aqualung 2.0 Music Player Ported to GTK3 Released: X.Org Server 21.1.16 Update Fixes 8 Vulnerabilities: Nextcloud Hub 10 is released:

Kubuntu switches to Calamares installer: Release of KaOS 2024.01: Fully open stack for MIPI cameras introduced: Chasquid SMTP server 1.13 available: ClamAV 1.3.0 fixed a dangerous vulnerability: VirtualBox to run on top of the KVM hypervisor:

Release of OpenTTD 13.0: Release of MythTV 33: Fedora 38 to offer unlimited support for Flathub: New version of Transmission 4.0.0: Linux 6.1 kernel is long term support: Release of Endless OS Distribution 5.

Release of OpenBot 0.5, a smartphone-based robot platform Solaris 11.4 SRU42 Released Release of OpenVi 7.0.12 Freeciv 3.0 game released nftables packet filter 1.0.2 released Slax 11.2 based on Debian 11

Ubuntu Budgie Is Now an Official Ubuntu Flavor Former Bitcoin Core Developer Joins Linux Foundation Board Orange Pi PC 2 Is A Cheap Quad Core Linux Computer For $20 That Runs Ubuntu

Google Offers Artificial Intelligence Tool For Free Portable Apps for Ubuntu 16.04 Now Available for Download ZFS for Linux Finally Lands in Debian Arch Linux-Based LinHES 8.4 OS Launches with Kodi, MythTV, and OpenPHT

Download Issue 1 of Full Circle Magazine. This issue includes Installing Feisty Fawn MythTV tutorial Scribus Tutorial - Part 1 Interview with the developer of the Deluge BitTorrent client The Top 5 List My PC And more!