First release of Wolvic browser edition with Chromium engine: MPV Video Player Release 0.39: A console Live build of CentOS Stream MIN: OpenWrt 23.05.5: OpenBSD Bans Null Characters in Shell Scripts:

Debian support for RISC-V architecture: Release of MPV 0.36: Inkscape 1.3: Release of PascalABC.NET 3.9.0 development environment: MLS proposed standard: Network Security Toolkit 38: Ubuntu, optimized for Intel Core processors:

Apache OpenMeetings 6.2 available Vaultwarden 1.23, released Blender Community Releases Sprite Fright Animated Movie New release of antiX 21 Release of MPV 0.34 Fedora Linux 35 Distribution Released OpenSUSE Leap 15.

Thunderbird Ownership Transferred to MZLA ND2H Wi-Fi Adapter Is Now FSF Certified Nvidia Dropping Support for Older Graphics Drivers Linux Mint Focuses on LMDE 4 and Cinnamon Google Paid $6.