Mesa’s Rust implementation of OpenCL now supports OpenCL 3.0: Intel Opens PSE Block Firmware Code for Elkhart Lake Chips: DBMS libmdbx 0.11.7 Move Development to GitFlic After Lockdown on GitHub:

Code removal in Mesa Blender 3.0 Release Release of EndeavourOS 21.4 Introducing Blueprint, a new UI building language for GTK VeraCrypt 1.25.4 released LibreOffice 7.2.4 and 7.1.8 Update with Vulnerability Fix

Linux 5.14 kernel released Beta version of Multitextor A completely free version of the Linux-libre 5.14 kernel is available NTFS-3G Releases with Vulnerability Elimination ONLYOFFICE Docs 6.4 online editor

GNU Binutils 2.37 Released HandBrake 1.4.0 Released Linus Torvalds commented on the situation with the NTFS driver from Paragon Software NVIDIA publishes driver 470.57.02, opens RTXMU code and adds Linux support to RTX SDK

Linux Kernel 4.15 Reached End of Life, Users Urged to Move to Linux 4.16 Now Linux developers: Kernel community will collapse under its own bureaucracy ONNX: the Open Neural Network Exchange Format

Why KDE’s Plasma Mobile is the ideal platform for Linux fans and developers KDE Slimbook II is Cheaper and More Powerful Skype Released as Snap on Ubuntu, Linux Mint

This month Command and Conquer. How-To : Beginning Python - Part 30, LibreOffice - Part 12, Backup Strategy - Part 6, Screencast Your Desktop, and The Paperless Office. Linux Lab - Useful Investigative Tools.

This month Command and Conquer - Lost and Found. How-To : Program in C - Part 3, Make a WiFi Access Point, Using GIMP - Part 8 and Create Mobile Multimedia.