OpenBSD adds VA-API support: Release of nxs-data-anonymizer 1.9.0: Release of hostapd and wpa_supplicant 2.11: Release of the MidnightBSD 3.2: Restructuring the OpenSSL project: Release of Linux Mint 22: Selectel has begun public beta testing of its own Linux server distribution:
NixBSD develops a variant of NixOS with a kernel from FreeBSD: Release of Arti 1.2: Opus 1.5 audio codec available: openSUSE Tumbleweed & systemd-boot: FreeBSD 13.3: Azure Linux: Linux Mint develops new chat app after shutting down HexChat:
This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Stable Diffusion and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Review : Xubuntu 23.10 and Uwuntu UbPorts Touch : OTA-4 My Story : OSX To Linux Mint Ubuntu Games - Ginsha plus: News, Q&A, The Daily Waddle, and more.
Linux kernel 6.7 release: KDE Plasma desktop in OpenBSD: Release of Solus 4.5: Chrome OS 120 released: Arch Linux switched to using dbus-broker: Arti 1.1.12, an implementation of Tor in Rust:
VeraCrypt 1.26: Budgie 10.8.1: Advertising ransomware as Thunderbird mail client: Mint Edge 21.2 with new Linux kernel: Release of Elementary OS 7.1: Release of OpenSSH 9.5: Slax 15.0.3 and 12.
Wolvic 1.5 light: KaOS 2023.09: LibrePCB reaches 1.0: GNU Project is 40 years old: Release of Porteus 5.01: Linux Mint Debian Edition 6: Release of CrossOver 23.5: Red Hat moves from Bugzilla Error Tracking System to JIRA:
Slackel 7.5 distribution released Pinta 2.0 graphics editor released Solus project drama Speed up building the Linux kernel by 50-80% KDE plans to achieve parity between Wayland and X11 sessions in 2022
The second edition of patches for the Linux kernel with support for Rust Release of Virtuozzo Linux 8.4 OpenVMS operating system for x86-64 architecture Nextcloud Hub 22 Collaboration Platform Available
Canonical Chooses Flutter Linux Mint to Make System Updates a Priority Steam Link Now Available on Linux ElementaryOS 6 Changing Some of the Look and Feel Root Access and Denial of Service Flaws Found and Fixed in Kernel 5.
Ubuntu Giving Wayland Another Shot Networking and Touchpads Work in Linux on M1 Macs Greg Kroah-Hartman Needs Commercial Buy In For Longer Kernel Support Sudo Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Allows Unauthorized Root Access
Qt 5.15 Fixes No Longer Open The Linux port for Apple’s M1 Gets a Name Firefox Gets a Visual Refresh Linux Mint 20.1 Ulyssa and Upgrade Paths Out ExTix Deepin 21.
Lubuntu 21.04 Artwork Contest Open Ubuntu’s Switch to LZO in Snapd Ubuntu’s Snap Theming Will See Changes for the Better GTK4 Is Available After 4 Years In Development XFCE 4.