This month: Command & Conquer How-To : Python, Stable Diffusion and Latex Graphics : Inkscape Review : Kubuntu 24.04 and Wo-We Mini PC Book Review : The Linux Devops Handbook UbPorts Touch My Opinion : Non-Snap Ubuntu’s Ubuntu Games - Cat Games plus: News, Micro This, Q&A, The Daily Waddle, and more.

Ubuntu mini installation: Release EasyOS 5.0: KDE Plasma switches to Qt 6: Release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.14: Release of Armbian 23.02: Release of FFmpeg 6.0: GIMP 2.10.34: Debian 12 launched a separate repository with firmware:

Network Security Toolkit 34 Min 1.20 Published Linux kernel vulnerability affecting CAN BCM network protocol Vulnerabilities in eBPF Subsystem to Bypass Specter Protection NixOS provides repeatable build support for the iso image

Mintbox Mini Pro: A Cheap Linux Machine With Compelling Specs alwsl Project Lets You Install Arch Linux in the Windows Subsystem for Linux Linux Lite 3.2 Enters Beta, Now Plays Nice with Other Distributions

UbuCon Europe, the Very First European Ubuntu Conference, Announced for November Debian GNU/Linux 8.4 and 7.10 Officially Released RaspEX Linux for Raspberry Pi 3 Gets Kodi Media Center, and Bluetooth Support

ownCloud Pi Device to Run on Snappy Ubuntu Core 16.04 LTS and Raspberry Pi 3 Endless Mini Computer Succeeds Nvidia 364.12 Linux Driver Out Now with Vulkan 1.0, Wayland, and Mir Support

This issue includes Flavour of the Month - Kubuntu How-To - Ubuntu on the Intel Mac Mini, Virtual Private Networking, Learning Scribus Part 2 and Ubuntu for your Grandma! Review - System 76 Darter Top 5 - Widgets MyDesktop, MyPC and more!