New Release of Raspberry Pi OS: Thunderbird 100 beta release integrates Matrix protocol support: Custom Material Shell 42: MX Linux release 21.1: Release of OpenSSH 9.0 with transfer of scp to the SFTP protocol:

Please welcome new host, Moss Bliss DigiKam 7.2 released 4MLinux 36.0 released Malicious changes detected in the PHP project Git repository New version of Cygwin 3.2.0, the GNU environment for Windows

Ubuntu Testing Week Is Here 7zip Sees its First Official Linux Port openSUSE Virtual Conference in June Richard Stallman Returns to the Free Software Foundation Collabora Releases PanVk Ubuntu Touch OTA 16 Out

DXVK 1.5 Released Calculate Linux 20 Released Purism Announces the Librem Server Linux Mint 19.3 Cinnamon, MATE and XFCE Released Peppermint 10 Respin Released Alpine Linux 3.11.0 Released Krita Recieves Epic MegaGrant

Linux Command Line Editors Vulnerable to High Severity Bug KDE 5.16 Is Now Available for Kubuntu Debian 10 Buster-based Endless OS 3.6.0 Linux Distribution Now Available Introducing Matrix 1.0 and the Matrix.